🩸 Macs of London's New Blood Testing Service🩸 

IV Vitamin Drip - Glutathione Wellness

IV Vitamin Drip - Glutathione Wellness

This powerful and natural way to defy the signs of aging, boost your health and wellbeing, and make sure you look and feel your best. Our amazing Glutathione IV Vitamin Therapy infusion treatment is designed to give you unbeatable antioxidant and anti-inflammatory power for a healthier and more youthful body, with results you can see in no time.

Key Ingredients

Glutathione (600mg)

Vitamin C (5g

15 minutes

Contact Us

One of our team members will strive to respond to your submission as promptly as possible, typically within 24 hours.
Alternatively, if you would like to speak with us directly, please call 020 7207 5057 or email [email protected].